EIC/ BTC Christmas Party
Tis The Season 
Our annual Christmas party which took place on Thursday 12th Dec was a real delight with an assortment of Christmas treats. A great opportunity to mingle with co-workers and tenants; it was also a chance to get to know people you don’t see everyday. An occasion full of laughs and smiles with great music, food and games like ‘Pin the Nose on Rudolph’.
Despite the initial hesitation, tenants had a blast trying to pin Rudolph’s nose and guessing the contents of Santa’s sack. Though most of us were far off the map with Rudolph’s nose, it was still great fun comparing the distance between all noses pinned, with some reaching the corners of the pages and the closest nose being very close to perfect!
Our winners didn’t go home empty handed! The best players got a chance to win some accolades and sweet treats like Quality Street and a Christmas hamper full of all the Christmas goodies that bring a smile to our festive faces. Some also came photo ready in fashionable Christmas jumpers, ready to rip the Christmas runway and win this year’s Best and Worst Christmas jumper competition.
This year’s Christmas jumpers were a real site to behold, some people settled for the cliché Christmas pieces and others decided to Up The Anti with full costumes, unusual designs and creative alternatives. We even had our very own walking Christmas tree which came in the form of a beard! The creativity presented this year led to two best jumper winners!
With 2019 coming to a close the E-Innovation team are wishing you a wonderful holiday season and a great start to the New Year.
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